Confused by Transgender? You’re Not Alone.

The fight to make America swallow Transgender rights.

4 min readAug 2, 2022
Julian Graciano Nuñez’s Collage of photos by Farshid Moghadam and Oliver Ragfelt on Unsplashed.

We entered a sandwich shop five minutes before closing and a lanky teenager took our order. Bitchily, under my breath, I told my partner, “She probably wants to go home”, then noticed the teen overhearing.

I assumed the teenager was female. “Hmm, short hair and a baseball cap,” I thought. Then I had the feeling that maybe the androgyny was because this teen was at the beginning of a transgender transformation.

I was mortified by my sarcastic and smart-ass remark. Assuming I made a mistake about the teen’s gender.

Did the confusion begin when activists started creating new terms?

Since 2004, activists have been reversing linguistic imperialism. Academics have been taking control of how gender fluidity is defined.

If you’re older, terms like cisgender, non-binary, FTM, etc. have probably required googling the definitions. If you're trying to understand the meanings of these words, you’re part of the equal rights and transgender movement.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

